Are Remote Workers Right For Your Company?

Are Remote Workers Right For Your Company?

Whether you call it working virtually, remotely or telecommuting, one thing is for sure: working outside the traditional office environment is more popular than ever. Office employees no longer have to be in the same building or even country as their managers or co-workers to work together. Last year, 43 percent of employed Americans said they spent at least some time working remotely, according to the survey of more than 15,000 adults. That represents a four percentage point increase since 2012, a shift that meets the demands of many job seekers. *

If you’re considering hiring remote employees, there are a lot of factors to think over.

The Pros of Hiring Remotely:

  • Workers Can Find Spaces Where They Are More Productive: The commute to work can be a huge source of stress for workers, especially if their commute is long and requires mixed modes of transportation. According to a PGI report, 82 percent of remote workers report that telecommuting reduces stress, and 80 percent report that telecommuting improves their morale. When a worker doesn’t have to show up to an office, they can choose the spaces where they are most comfortable and productive. If they want to work in a Starbucks one day, that’s fine. If they want to work on their couch another day, that’s fine, too.
  • Wider Pool of Talent: Hiring remotely gives you access to talent outside of your geographical region. You might not live in a place with good software developers but you need one. Remote hiring lets you search for new hires in places with much more available talent than your current location. If you can accommodate remote workers, you’re greatly broadening your opportunities for finding great hires. Because many job seekers, particularly Millennials, are looking for jobs that will provide them flex time, more people than ever before will be open to remote opportunities.
  • Saves Money: Between real estate costs and upkeep of a workspace, it’s expensive to have on-site staff. Hiring remotely can lessen, if not eliminate, these costs. Remote workers also save money on commuting costs, leading to more money in everyone’s pocket.
  • Flexibility: Not everyone works best 9 to 5, and remote work can offer a more flexible schedule. Remote work allows the night owls or early risers on your team to work when they feel they’re most productive. This can lead to more work getting done and makes your workforce happier overall.
  • You Will Attract Driven Self-Starters: The type of person who is able to work remotely, manage their own time, and put themselves out there enough to be noticed is the type of motivated worker you probably want to hire. Odds are they are passionate and like to work on projects on their own time anyway. ( workers/)

The Cons of Hiring Remotely:

  • Hard to Trust: You probably haven’t met this hire face to face, so it’s harder to get to know them. Relying on your background screening provider to confirm their information can be a great way to build trust. Contact to do background screening for your background checks.
  • Hiring the Right Employee: Not everyone is suited for remote work. You need to choose candidates that are self motivated, so you don’t worry about work not getting done. Looking for employees who have worked remotely before or engage them in a trial run which may help cut down on conflicts and burnout.
  • Communication: While made significantly easier by technology, communication can still be a challenge. Because you aren’t seeing each other by chance in the halls or dropping by each other’s desks, you will need to be diligent about keeping in touch with your team.

Remote work isn’t for everyone, and remote workers aren’t right for pevery company. For some, the challenges may outweigh the benefits. But by creating trust through background screening, hiring the right employee, and staying on top of your communication, you can revolutionize your workforce.

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